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Seeing through the veil


Eating People is Already here!

Cruelty-Free Meat will be a human treat!

....the insertion of celebrities cells -  i.e. human meat, into the equation implies they are researching something slightly different (the acceptance of cannibalism!)....

I told you this was the plan all along!

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Emerging Star-Gate Disclosure Happening Now

Thanks Shannah, I might have missed this one. 

 But why would this level of Intel be coming out in the open, now? 

 Are the repercussions of their previous incursions across our Antarctic border to invade other realms about to cost our oblivious populations?  Or, have special deals been made with "other entities" , so that a few "elite" people can survive? 

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Ancient French Map shows....

....images of an old map that is supposed to be documenting where everyone migrated to after the flood...


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Randy Maugans - Consciousness Wave

From the Sign-of-Jonah (Aug/21/2017) to the final sign depicting the full destruction and removal of all evil by April/8/2024 -the 7 years of Jacob's trouble! 

Couple Rev. Dana Coverstones 1st warning to all Christians, with the new 2nd warning, and we can identify clearly that we are correct in seeing these events being timed with.........

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The Elect are Being Warned!

The Elect are Being Warned Now!

As I have been showing for many years, the prophets clearly depict the Father saying that HIS people, who are called by HIS name, not some other name, and who are those who know and DO His instructions - the 1st law - , WILL BE SAVED.  1000 will fall by your left hand and 10,000 by your right, you will SEE it all happening, yet it will NOT TOUCH YOU. And many, many more times the same is said in various ways. But, as I have always taught, the caveat is - WHO ARE HIS PEOPLE? 

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The Messiah Star?

"It’s a prophecy essentially saying that a new Jewish leader will emerge in Israel who will lead it to world domination.

So which star will be that particular star?"

"and my people will eat, but yours will starve, and my people will drink, but yours will thirst!"....

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Where's the Beef?

Do you really believe that it's the evil, gut-eating satanists "elite" that are pushing vegetarianism or veganism on you? 


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Scorpion Sting - Stage-1

....Remember what one segment of those eight warnings said about men's minds "burning" for 5 months?  Certainly a Prion infection of the brain can be accurately described as the brain being burned.....

...and, why did they rely so heavily on cannibalism as main topics in all of the biggest TV shows and movies like - The Books of Eli and others, etc....

What does the Greater Exodus through the many prophets tell us?  That the Eternal One's people will inhabit towns and cities along their way which are still fully intact - "My people will eat, but yours will starve, and my people will drink, but yours will thirst." 

So again, I ask why are they showing everyone the exact opposite scenarios in all of these popular movies and TV shows? Rhetorical......Because their plan has always been to cause these identical conditions......

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Vatican Fires up Moloch!


Unless you are Catholic!

Should we really be surprised at this? 

We already watched as they moved the giant statue of the Egyptian god Anubis as he stood OVER the waters of the Hudson River in NYC, then to be moved cross country and now standing guard at the gates of the Deep states new Citadel for hell in Colorado. Along with the Pale Horse!

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mans calendars and clocks are programming devices, we MOVE TOWARD each minute and hour every waking second. We chase time! 

In this world and it's many purposely convoluted false narrative slave systems, TIME is the unperceived CAGE for souls. And knowing this, now you may notice how all the soulless drones........


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