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Seeing through the veil



....when you either write or post articles with less than the required academic accuracy, as it is here in this article on the Jews sacrificing children to Moloch in Chicago, you do a MASSIVE, disservice to the rest of the actual, lineage, HEBREWS, everywhere.
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The Final Contract Signature

“Elohim” made man’s body in their “image”, meaning, by their imagination of a monster – Golem:

I can’t feel my soul – My soul is gone! 

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Hidden Between the X & Y

There has been allot of discussion of late that surrounds points of the Beacon-Seed. Mainly encompassing the new information about the 3rd strand of chromosomes, which they call [DNA.],....

....the Eternal Creator, created the DNA Control Inhibitor Code. And, it seems definitive that the all-powerful, head-crushing, King of everything….

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Is the Greater Exodus Imminent?

...The Hyksos are on their way now to sac Egypt, like the first time....

...And the Greater Exodus is about to begin!...

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Return of Nimmy 2 - Crushing their Heads

No, this is not so much the same way everyone has been understanding any of their bible verses, but this version of it all completely confirms both the Hebrew prophets and Yehshua, although I think the prophets in the Hebrew language, and Yehshua through the writings of the Essene law books are clearer when they tell us almost all souls will be saved....;

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The Return of the Nimster!



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Semantic Language Manipulation

"How do I limit you without lying directly: Which of course, in the Eternal Creator's eye's, is not a "gray" area that He will allow, forever.  Here are a few examples...."

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Big News! The Khazars are a Thing Now!

As well as the following article by our friend and scholar Cliff High is written, I still have to ask, do the extended details that are left out of this, matter?

the Shelanite cult has sought to root out for all generations, but have not yet been able to identify, because it is some type of "Spiritual DNA"....

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Lost City Found -

...lost cities like this one in the Atlantic, and like the massive pyramid and other structures that lay only about 16ft under the surface of the Pacific...

 ...more evidence which is amazingly intact showing proof of an Egyptian culture, more than likely from Solomon, inside what is now the USA....


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Full Reset Instruction Doc-

I REALLY hope this puts to bed all of the system worshipers out there who continue to believe this BS....

"Post RV, many will need answers as why their spouses, parents, friends, co-workers, and neighbors are suddenly wealthy... this is a very honest review of the 70-year GCR/RV journey."   NOT!

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